29 August 2012

Camera Obscura

Maru Solores : 2011

Ane, 13 years old, has just had an operation on her eyes, but she can't see. In her inner "camera obscura", recurring images flash into her head, as if they were pursuing her. Into the stressful environment of the family summer holidays, after the failure of the operation, steps her father's cousin, Antonio. Antonio is an enigmatic photographer who has been around half the world and has now returned to the town after many years. Ane is reaching puberty, she is growing, she has lots of questions, but she lacks all the visual information that assails the rest of us. Antonio is a breath of fresh air; he's someone who seems to see her differently. Ane is attracted by him and by the art of photography. He lends her a camera which helps her perceive the world around her in a different way, to discover, to understand what is happening in her family, and also Antonio himself. Camera in hand, like a detective and to the chagrin of her mother, she captures their daily life, until she comes upon what no one wants to see or acknowledge. Rather than see herself as a victim, Ane fights to forge her own path, as an adolescent and a blind person.

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