14 October 2012

El amigo alemán

Jeanine Meerapfel : 2012
My German Friend

Sulamit Löwenstein, the daughter of German-Jewish emigrants from Germany, grows up in Buenos Aires in the nineteen-fifties. Between her and Friedrich, the German boy living next door whose parents escaped to Argentina after the war, a deep intimacy and kinship develops. When Friedrich discovers that his father was an SS Lieutenant-Colonel in Nazi Germany, he breaks off all contact with his family and goes to Germany to study, full of angry energy to change the world. Sulamit follows him a few years later and they maintain their friendship, though the romantic side of the relationship is challenged. Friedrich takes an active part in the German protest movement of May 1968 and is dedicated to the Cuban cause and the liberation struggles of Latin America. Gradually his whole life centres on his political commitment, but even though Sulamit meets another man, Michael, her love for Friedrich never dies.

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