21 June 2015


Filip Mojzeš : 2014
The Walker

Marko, a 65-year-old pensioner who lives with his wife Ana in a small remote house, finds an unconscious man, Goran, lying on the ground whilst tending to his field. After some initial reluctance he helps him up and takes him home. Marko's wife Ana is sceptical of this stranger from the beginning and Marko, out of fear, forbids her to call anyone. Proportional to the time Goran spends at the house, Ana's and Marko's fears grow and an already tense atmosphere is further aggravated by Goran's unusual interest in their private life as soon as he gets back on his feet. It is evident that he isn't planning to leave anytime soon. The presence of this unusual and disturbing guest gradually results in a conflict between Ana and Marko. Filip Mojzeš's film was winner of the award for Best Short Feature at Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival 2015.

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